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She's been my roommate for three years now is on, and we're going to ask her what her makers, What is your major of event of a computer science major? And what you're you Oh, junior. Yeah, so you've been through three years of computer science classes. So how would you describe your computer science classes? I would say most of lumber pretty difficult is definitely not an easy major. If you work hard, you don't finish it, like even earlier than, like, four years. How many people are in your computer science classes? It depends if it's like more of an introductory class. There's probably around a couple like one hundred hundred fifteen pretty big classes, but some of the war each class is like internal body. So whatever these classes usually have around like thirty people, maybe. What are you involved in? Outside of class is Well, I also part of the finest. I have the vice president, and I think it's a really great club because we get to explore, nudges finance, but we get to meet other people, weren't interested in science and help us develop our financial literacy. It's a pretty relaxed job, and I really like everyone. I, what is one piece of advice that you would give to people enduring Stony Brook as a freshman? Uh, Stony Brook is what you make of it. If you work hard to get involved and to do well in your classes, you can definitely succeed here. If you just ignore those sort of responsibilities, these four years will fly by. Yeah, And what would you say is your favorite and least favorite part of your time here? Oh, honestly, what are my fam partners meeting? All these different people like it's such a diverse campus. There's so many different people with different backgrounds economically and socially. Yeah, it's like great to hear other people's opinions and different experiences that they have had on my least. Favorite part is probably that it does feel secluded that times like it's do you have to make an effort to try to find people that you connect with and yeah, like it can be difficult like is suddenly possible.