Interview With My Friend, Sean!

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So I'm here with my friend Sean, and we're going to talk about his major and things that he likes and dislikes about Stony Brook. He's going to give you guys some advice and talk about things that he's involved with on campus. So what's your razor song? My major's applied mathematics and statistics, and I am a calm Sidewinder. Oh, and did you come in as a. M s or I came in as interest in computer science. Then I ended up was applied math and statistics. You transferred here, right? Yes, I transferred here during my junior year. How do you like this school? I compared to your other school? Well, I came from a little community college so you could save some money. So this is really my first college experience ever on DH Coming into it, I wasn't entirely excited about it because, you know, there's the statement against Stoney Burke, which is, you know, there's not really much of a party life. Um, so but really, I didn't really have that much of a choice compared to all the other schools that I got accepted to Esso going into that I didn't expect much, But then I'm asking you right now. So having been through the past three years here, I actually really enjoyed it. You know, what I liked most about campus is that even though that it's really hard to get off campus and there's not a lot of places around, they still try to make the best out of it by having a lot of social events and having a lot of clubs. Close events like, for example, going to a men's beauty pageant. It's called Mr Kehoe Hell, but creates association. I'm also going to see a game of thrones premiere, at least our center. They always those such great movies that Olivia want to. Yeah, that's device quickly and a friendly and right over there behind the camera on And, uh, yeah, cool. Then what's like one piece of advice that you would give to people that are like deciding whether or not stoning freckles like for them? One piece of advice on I guess I'LL say, Like the thing that really made me commit or like, maybe really enjoy Stony Brook is that it's not really about the campus organizations that are there, But it's really about the people and the friends that you make, because as soon as long as you have friends, everywhere you go, it's gonna like be a really good time.