Camille (my roommate!) talks about what drove her to choose UNC-CH

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Okay, introduce yourself and explain why you chose your school. OK? My name's Camille and I chose you see? Because obviously it is best school in the nation's not, like a biased, and but of course the academics here are excellent. Describe the student body at your school, the student body here. It doesn't matter what background you come from. Uh, you'll always find people here to make you feel like what's your major and describe its academic climate. I'm majoring in business, and the academics here are definitely tougher than high school. Cause you to grow in ways that you never would have expected. Uh, and just the teacher and teachers and staff here, like, really invested in the students, which I never would have expected coming to such a large university. They really care about each one of us and helping us learn and get where we need to be in life. What's your favorite? At least they were part of your school. Why My favorite part of UNC is definitely the people here.