Anna shows you the famous Old Well

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This is the old Well, this is definitely the most well known monument here on Tapajos campus. You've ever been to like any of the UNC websites or see any advertisement? Most likely, you have seen the old well, or you've at least heard of its stories. Uh, I'll show you guys um, legend has it if you drink out of the old well on the first day of the new semester, Um, so see into the water, but that if you drink out of it that you will get a four point knows that semester. Messer didn't work out for me, but I know a lot of kids that have had luck, and they they swear by it. So in the old well, you can see calm is and everything. This is a great place to come and take pictures. If you're dressed up and then behind the old while you can see is the lower quadrant. Um these air, like some classroom buildings, that's a residence hall. There's also like like the visitor center over in the corner and like certain, like, specialty buildings and stuff here in the lower quad on DH. Then we're right back to the old well, um.