Research Opportunities with Internal Medicine Resident Andrew

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I personally have an interest in machine learning and artificial intelligence and I found a really great home here. I've met some really great mentors and I've actually been very productive and being able to publish even early on in my residency career. I think that one of the best things that this program does is it allows you to do as much research and empowers you to do as much research as you really want. I personally love it and I've spent a lot of time doing research. Other people are able to kind of fulfill their research requirements, get those abstracts in, get those presentations in and move forward. And so I think that flexibility really allows you to thrive here regardless of how much or how little you want to do. Michigan is the place to be. I know it's in the middle of the nation, but we're rocking it here. So if you want to join, come out and check us out.