Life Outside the Hospital with Surekha

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I think there's a lot of things in Ann Arbor that are great um Ann Arbor is really close to a lot of great other cities as well, so it makes it easy to explore, um different things on the weekend, you can easily go to Detroit, it's only an hour drive and explore farmers markets or outdoor festivals or the food and dining scene. Um Cleveland's about 2.5 hours away, and Cleveland's well known for um all of the shows and there's also a bunch of hiking opportunities and outdoor opportunities in the area, which are great to explore. And then Ann Arbor itself is just a wonderfully diverse region. I mean, University of Michigan attracts people from all over the world, so you're gonna meet a lot of interesting people who have had different experiences and you learn from them and you learn from the people around you. Ann Arbor during the summer, has a bunch of festivals, there's food and dining that's great, um and there's a lot of opportunities through the University of Michigan undergrad program in symphony, theater, etcetera, you name it, it's here and so, um you got to see a lot. So I actually really love cooking and baking and so I often will try a new recipe either by myself or with a friend, I'll explore things online, um that seems really interesting and so even with the hours that residency is, you know, I always have time a couple of times a week at least to explore something new and make something fun.