Writing Center, First Year Advising & Exploration - The NEW Trevor Colbourn Hall

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This is Trevor cold born hall, which we're about to go into. There was an older one that was actually just destroyed this past winter break. So this is a new one that they've gone and it's super modern. Offices are in here like their office arias, so but Sissi instead of forever or corn Heart looks like, uh, it's just a bunch of little officers. Her spread festers in here Who's also a lot of organizations. Um, my clubs and organizations that, um, their offices are here. Someone of people come here to study from China with spring another really? Ni thank here. Trevor Colborne, is that there's this, um, writing centers. So if you ever need help writing an essay, um, you could come here and they can actually help you organize that, Um, kind of delete all the bad content. Ha. But it's really important for freshmen. You can come here and talk to an advice, sir. So I'm not really how side travelling for corn fall right now, and I just want to talk about it a little bit more. There's a lot of office is in there. It's a lot of my professor's office hours were based in Traveling Colborne, so they have, like, three section, have they the writing center there. So if you ever need help writing an essay, you feel like there's too much, too little there able to help you write that not, you know completely right. That's safe for you, but just help you get rid of any stuff that you don't eat in the essay, review it. Then there's also the first year advising an exploration office in Trevor Colborne Hall. That is extremely important for freshman, because that's where you're going to meet up with an advisor for your first year. Like your GPS. We call him figured out to get them all straight to get your major figured out. If you don't know what you want to do as a major, you can go and talk to an adviser here, but they basically help you transition into the university.