Typical Computer Science Lecture Hall

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Some uni were in our calm for a lecture right now and I guess to start off with I'll just go over kind of lecture. Format it you have so computer science lectures there typically discussion and let your based. Then there's a nineteen to one student faculty ratio, and professors are generally pretty easy to approach you. What do you think about professors here? No, See a professor or something disorganized? True, But I don't think personally Don't matter if I don't any lecture starlet is good security. I mean, it's hard to pay attention in class honestly, but you could get a lot of online help. Everyone here is pretty much self taught and then office hours are very flexible. Professors like if you pick the right ones, they're generally pretty approachable. I mean, if you go to their office hours a few times, you'LL be able to get recommendations from them and they'LL be able to recognize you. I'm gonna show the classroom little bit because this is typically where computer science lectures take place. You can see there's a professor right now helping a couple of students, and then it has a lot of big screens. It makes it really easy for students to like, see what's going on and taking notes and their other friends. Okay, And that's typically how computer science lectures go Room three oh nine, which is one of the main rooms for office hours here, too. My friends doing something bugging over there with Mark Sellers. Here's your office hours going and yeah, that's one of the following shadowing the great Sean Gone long in his discussion section today. Then here's some chalkboards for John to do some amazing problem solving on. When you go up there, there is, um, a screen that will come down, which you can connect your laptop to and show all of your code and slides on. I would take some clips of the great John Long teaching today. Okay, So Jonah's connecting his laptop the last that wear bringing the screen down so that he can show his students some code and coding problems and slides teach efficiently as the great computer scientist that he is, you know, as a Facebook software, It's in here.