Memory Mall

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Right now I am outside of H. B A, which is the Health and Public Affairs building. It's a building that also has classrooms in it for people to have classes, and I've had a few classes in there, so I don't think it's so any particular major. Right next to it is a Starbucks as well as Marie Mall, which is behind all of this, and I'll show you guys in a little bit. What that looks like behind me is a few food trucks because they've been doing so much construction inside of the union to bring more food items and food options, Ben This is the entrance to one of the boardwalks that leads to the student union. So now I'll show you guys what memory mall looks like. It you see if a lot of students have had hammocks hanging between these trees? I don't know if they actually belong to the people laying and them. I just know that there's been It's been quite a few hammocks out here. I'm not sure if you can hear the wind, but sometimes you will come out here to play Frisbee or just relax during the football season. This is where they host a lot of the tailgating over. There's the psychology building as well as the classroom buildings in classroom building, to which is this one over here? There's also the ROTC building and right next to classroom building two is classroom building one. That's another favorite place of mine to go on study and straight ahead is the CIA. Fiorina. It's events, basketball games and sometimes career expos. Right over there, that glass building that's career services. If you would like to get any internships, co ops or ex earn ships, basically, career experience.