Favorite Academic Buildings at UF (Secret Study Spots)

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McCarty Hall, eh? There's a B and C, I believe, is the one you're looking for. So when it's busier, library or like exam season than libraries and a lot of other study places are a lot more crowded, so it's actually better to find an empty classroom. These are the best to study, and during finals week or any exam week, even mid terms, the library's get very crowded, and it's just way better to study in an empty classroom. You have the pull down, um, screens, which you can connect your laptop, too, and you can just see your where got a big screen. You have chalk boards that you can work out complicated problems on. You have outlets over there, empty desks and, yeah, you can just invite a group of friends and all of you can study in here. I mean, with my friend Mr. In a few minutes, we're gonna project together, and it again is just another situation of it's too busy to go to the library, so it's just better to study in an empty Yeah, So my friend and I found a study room that's feeling one is a high and, yeah, it's very official and it's much better than the library because, like I said during final season, library gets very loud and crowded. So we found a private room and it has a monitor, Um, a whiteboard. I don't know if we have Margaret's and large table. My friend Isaiah showed up, and so yeah, Isaiah and feeling are here, and we're going to work on this group project together. Our business plan present ifs, um, currently internal engine looking for an empty classroom study in because, like torture, it gets very busy this time of year. I actually don't know howto put that screen down anyway. Quite perfect for writing essays and working on complicated. So here's Starling sent the building that I was just in with private study room. We're going to go get ice cream because he owes me.