Anthony talks about his experiences at UF (ROTC)

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What's your major aerospace engineering? And how did you choose that? Well, it's like, you know what? I really, really, really like space. I'm not gonna make any money as an astronomer, so might as well go engineering still. Okay, So how do you think about what do you think about the academic programs here? Easy. I've had about five mental breakdown system, Esther, But because of rugby, I get to blow it off by hitting people like it works, as, you know, engineering as well. So I'm feeling there yes, of academic life is definitely more difficult. If you balance it well with the athletics and clubs and design teams we have here, you'll be fine. Uh, what what? What else besides academics and run? Were you involved in here? Oh, I do. I'm in our Air Force ROTC. Oh, tell me about So I would see you do your four years here at more like you get your degree afterwards. So drop on upon graduation with the Arti C program, you've become a second second, lieutenant, you got your job. I've got a four for your commitment, I believe where your commitment to the Air Force. What other do you know about any of the other kinds RTC here for? In case anyone's interested in that. It's actually really, really good with art Scene Got all the branches here. God, Department of the Navy, which includes a Marine Corps option. So we got all the branches right there except for Coast guard.