Why I Came to Equality -- and Why I Stayed (with Ciara)

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I never actually thought about working at a charter school. I came from a public Department of Education school, but a teacher of mine before had worked here at equality and I was convinced to come here as a special education and great yell a teacher and that's why I'm here then I love this. So that's why I think the administration of Equality does a lot to support teachers. One thing that he does around september or october is he has check ins with all of the staff. His door is always open and we have our immediate supervisors who check in and coach us every week. Unlike any other school, they asked for feedback from the staff extremely often and try their best to implement it there. After the relationships between the teachers and the administrators, I'd say they have strong bonds for the simple fact that it's a constant help if you need it, you should feel comfortable with talking to any admin at any time because as I stated, just like our principal, all of the other administrators have an open door policy so you should just be free to speak as a an administrator as well as the teacher. We do a lot of collaborating in different ways specifically in our department. Right? But it's definitely a respectful report amongst those teachers, we know that we can lean on one another for support and we do so when the quality is definitely a family, if you are a teacher that would like a bunch of support and see yourself bro, I would say quality is where the place to be right, you have to have that strong work ethic and they play on it, they help you out, help you become a better teacher.