What makes SDSU special!

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So something really unique about CSU is their zip launchpad program. So that's pretty much just a program for anybody, as use you, for those of you who have a business dream or business idea, but they have mentors that work with you. They provide structure and training to create a business proposal. Every four months AH, panel of investors will review those proposals, and if they like it, they'll actually provide the funding and invest in it so that you can make that proposal. As he issues study abroad, program is nationally ranked. It's number nine in the country for the number of students that it sends abroad because it's advisor. Is its program so helpful? And it really, truly caters to each individual student, even if you don't think that it's possible? For whatever reason, I myself thought that finances would get in the way of me studying a pride. They worked with you and they find a way, and we find funding and they set you up with scholarships. So definitely definitely reach out to the study Abroad program.