ENS Field

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Here in San Diego, I want to show you guys this pms field will quick. Oh, by the way, we have these bike lanes everywhere on campus. A lot of people, like, so be prepared for that traffic if you're not a shaker in a mover. You know, if you like to keep your headphones like me that happened. Um, just want to show you guys that the N s field is this really great Open space. We have a lot of, like, flag football events, intramural sports play out here when we have, like, our holy Color Festival is out here. It's right by Baha switches another stadium that we started using my snacks. Um, this is on the way to the ark, which is our gym. Had student housing like frat row is more in this area. Um, yeah, And so I'm on my way to a lot of the health department on campus. We're gonna show you guys some more awesome resources that we have here.