Dorm Room Hall - Freshman Year

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Today's video is my long awaited dorm room home. So have you guys like this video? Everything that I bought for my dorm room is very practical. I'm not really sure where all of my decorations will be going. If I'll need all of them, I bought basically everything you will need in your college dorm. My betting I put all of my vetting stuff in this. The all white theme was a little bit of neutral colors like that light pink color. Isn't always betting and has really cool tassels hanging off the lower end of it. I really liked how they were white, but they had the great startle none. We're just so much better because you're not putting on the floor. I got two of these towels and then I also got a bird in case I also bought some washcloths like face towels. I bought these fingers because they are very thin and anon slept, so it's perfect for fitting many things into a closet. Now I'll show you guys some of my decorations for my door, so I'm not really sure what I'll be putting in my dorm room. I figured I would just take it all with me and then figure out what looks best with my roommates, like the first thing that I thought was this hanging thing. I got this from over 21 for $10 so it was a very good deal So I have these tens, and I think they're really cool because we wanted to have a lot of gold, rose gold, all of that. So I flipped it over and saw that it looks really good. The next thing I got were these super cute boxes for storage, and the ones might look good sitting on my dresser or just underneath my bed. We really wanted to incorporate a good amount of succulent. With these super cute, you can actually put them up with command strips like this. The next thing I bought is this over the door hanging unit thing. I'm not really sure what it's called, but I got it from home. We'll use this or need it, but I figured I'd just pick it up in case I really wanted to personalize the dorm room. So I got some marble contact paper to put over the desks. I love the look of it and I love you jewellery and on the trailer, it there Yeah, I'm really excited about this. Then it also got this really cool pot from Urban Outfitters. I was thinking of putting a succulent in there and then hanging out with this Really cool Mac. Another thing I just want to show you guys is this picture of this really cool moon strand thing that'll probably put underneath by probably also bonded that sides with us. Once I put up my dorm tour, I also bought this really cool light. Then once I have, like the main light turned up in the room, I can still have a light to do some homework or just in general, I can have an extra light, which is a nice And then I also bought fairy lights for the room, and these were on sale at Michael's. My desk light isn't super cute, but it is practical for me. I get really annoyed with the ones that are like this because the light comes out sideways and it turns into a really big layer on the paper. Then we have to use for our kitchen utensils and that a bunch of paper plates and bowls that I haven't put in yet. I also bought two containers so I can put yogurt and granola or some fruit in one of these for class. I'm super bad tell you has the things are from the toaster is wrong Target. I figured I would just put extra clothes in here inside my closet. You won't really be seeing these all, but they are really practical. I also bought these, which are super convenient on the side of the bad. We can put our chargers in it. If you kind of want to see what I'm talking about. I really like how it turned just so I can put my computer charger and my camera charger in all of my chargers on there at the same time without having to take up to out. Just remember, with everything you buy, you wanted to be practical. You want to know exactly where it's going to go to a wonderful start to yours.