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Today I'm gonna show you around the main plaza directly. So what you just saw was the MLK student union and the student store, um, a student store. You can get all your cal gear and every piece of clothing or, like, notebook anything you might want. We have the student union, which is where you can pick up Amazon packages. There are a couple of restaurants in there like copy shops. Um, on our left here, what you just saw was Golden Bear Cafe. Uh, that's just the cafe where you can get some food, get some drinks. They have, like a burrito bowl, like, set up in there and a smooth B in a coffee place. What we're walking through right now is called Sprout Plaza. On a typical week, you will see, like, tables all across this entire area. There I will be like clubs and organizations advertising their club. Um, but right now it's dead week, which means that everyone is in the middle of parent for their final. It's just people going toe libraries and stuff. It's an essential part of UC Berkeley campus life. Um, if you watched the movie Monsters University, you might have seen this. Yeah, that gate in Monsters University was based off this gate right here. Okay, so just past the gate, we're coming up on Mueller Hall and the company like Tower on her right, Wheeler hall houses be large auditorium on campus, which I was showing another video. The camp nearly tower is another iconic part of Berkeley, and that's UC Berkeley.