Maile shows you the housing area!

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I never spent too much time here when I stormed, but that's a really nice area. It comes with like a your tables and everything and even like a couple of grills with real anything. All the names of the buildings are also trees member Nita Willow so on. Over here is one of the laundry rooms that we have on campus. You do have to pay about one twenty five for washing and then another one twenty five, so it sucks that it's so expensive. It's kind of cool because it's right next to you, right next to the dorms. I never spent too much time here when I stormed, but it's a really nice area. It comes with like a if your tables and everything and even like a couple of grills. All of the names of the buildings are also the tree's, Never Nita Willow, so on. It's a building that's only open to residents, people who live on campus. When you go inside, they have computers and fritters and everything. For students, it's open until ten or eleven at night. Correction is that that's a nice little quiet area for students who might not have a computer anything or don't want to walk all the way to the library to just sit and do their work. So another thing that I really like about the housing area is that campus police station is right over here, or at least one of the stations that they have on campus. It's right next to the apartments across the street, from the Academic Resource Center and across the street from a lot of the dorms. It gives you a sense of just to know that there's people here. Right behind me and to the right over here is the mail where you fail. Anybody is given a key on check your mail by just doing in finding out which slot and opening it up in your nails there. If not, if it's a package, you just go right over there to window inside. That's a pretty a small housing area all together. I recommend I'm looking at least in the dorms on campus for your freshman year.