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So the great thing about Baton is that there's study rooms for everybody, and you just used your card and scan in, and then you can access any of them. For example, if we go to this one, my two friends are in there. As a business major, I can come in and here we are. So what's what's your major? I am finance and accounting. Typically, what your goal is is to end up becoming like a C p A or maybe working towards a master's program, which UK provides both, and you have ample opportunity to do both of those things. I know you usually have to take a least twelve to be a full time student, so taking a little bit more will make it easier on me. Senior year eating You'LL finish in four years to do a double major. At this rate, you can even finish in, like, three. What electives do you take? Um, they're honestly, extremely random. How would you rate your experience at UK for an accounting finance major? It's also definitely the business teachers that you can are also because they definitely, like try to be your friend is Well, it's like they're really open toe, like wanting you to come to their office hours and are always trying to be nice to keep in class. So one more question How so You are part of a fraternity and you are also double majoring in accounting and finance, which is kind of known as the more difficult majors here at gotten our business school. So what would you say? How do you balance but those out? I'd say the fraternity only accounts for maybe like a day for a couple hours out of my schedule. We usually meet about once a week and then in the classroom. It really is awesome because I go into every class knowing at least four or five. If you have problems, homework or need to study for a test, you always have to money that's either already taken the class and has experience in that class. Or you have people in the class with you that you can work through it. So now I'm gonna ask you what is like your typical day being a business major. Typical day, depending on her typical week, probably is maybe one or two exams in a couple of homework assignments, but usually they're pretty spaced out where you can tackle one like do you want and then go straight into the other. So typical day wake up, come the gotten, have a couple classes, then see what I have for the rest of the day. How does that, like makes in with your work, too? Extracurricular activity ratio. It's definitely helped me out in my career, like in business, because knowing so many people that have my major and so many people that are graduated and are already in the job field has really helped me make connections. They were always like there to help you out with your schoolwork.