SRU This or That with Alyssa

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Hi, everyone, Thank you so much for joining me for this week's video. I am going to be doing a slippery Rock University version of this or that. So Number one, we're going to talk about whether or not writing notes is better or taking notes on your computer. I have an insane amount of colored pens and pencils, and this is because I just love being able to write colours. I think they're using colors really helps make my work stand out. So if I'm ever going back and studying, things are like in my face when something is important and it helps me study, I also feel like taking the time to write it out is better for me to kind of learn and take in the information than doing it on the computer. As far as writing notes or typing notes, I am definitely a writing notes kind of person. I have to go with the 8 a.m. classes, and that's definitely saying something because I am not a morning person, but I think that it can be really helpful to kind of like get up, get your brain working for your 8 a.m. class is. That way you really have all day to be productive, to get involved on campus, um, to work. There's so much stuff that you can do during the day that would be missed if you ended up sleeping in because you didn't have your night class until five PM So sometimes it's nice to have a night class. I have had both morning classes and night classes, but if I had to choose, I would definitely go with the 8 a.m. class is number three small classes or large classes. Like I had mentioned in a previous video, our average class size is 25 students. You could have up to 100 students in a class. I have had experiences with both, and I think I definitely have to go with the smaller classes. I like that with the smaller classes closer that to that 25 30 students is you really get to know your professor a lot more. You get to collaborate with your peers, and I find that learning in that way is much more helpful for me being able to collaborate, being active learner, get to know your professor, even though there's nothing wrong with the larger classes. Typically they are more of that lecture style, and that can be really nice. I enjoyed having that lecture style and being able to apply what I learned there in a lab setting. I think if I could choose, I definitely like my smaller classes. The 25 to 30 students I love being able to get to know my professors collaborate and really feeling like I'm an active learner in that class. If I'm in my apartment, I will typically make my own cup of coffee, whether I'm going anywhere or even staying in and doing my online classes with my coffee. If I'm out and about and on campus, we have a Duncan and a Starbucks, so that brings us to our next this or that, which is Duncan or Starbucks. So my answer to the Duncan versus Starbucks that It definitely depends on where you're living and what your meal plan is. So if you're living on campus, then you have to have a meal plan and that Starbucks is actually located on campus. You guys will be able to see in this video here, and so because it's on campus, you can actually use part of your meal plan to pay for that Starbucks, which is awesome. So if I'm on campus and I have a meal plan that I'm going to go Starbucks over Duncan. Now that I am in an off campus apartment, Duncan is what's in town, and I just I go there so I have to go with now, Duncan. If I'm a student living in the dorms on campus, then Starbucks slippery rock does, in fact run on Duncan. So right behind me here is actually Bussell dining hall. As far as Bussell versus Wise and Flu goes, I have to go with puzzle, and the reason why I say that is primarily because of the meal swipes situation. So for Bussell here, you can primarily use your meal swipes, which do reset every single week, so it's really nice that you can always go to Bussell, use your meal swipes, and I'll be fully ready for it to reset by the end of the week. So number six is where is the best place to study is at the student center, or is it the library now? Personally, I did a lot of my studying either in my dorm room in my apartment, or I found, like a quiet little nook on campus where I like to study and do my work. If I really had to pick, I would probably go with the student center, which is actually the building right behind me. I'm going to put a picture here where you can actually see a really nice study space in the student center, and I just like that I could get a Starbucks coffee while I did work. Or there was just always something going on in the student center. Honestly, it's really your personal preference. I have friends that really like doing work in the student center, and I also have friends that really like going to the library. So it's really what works best for you, where you get your homework done. I'm personally, someone who likes to do work in my dorm room or in my apartment. There's definitely so many great options to study and work on campus and really be productive.