Get to know Alyssa | a junior Exercise Science major at SRU

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I am a junior here at Slippery Rock University, and I'm so excited to share with you guys a little bit about me and a little bit about my experiences here at Slippery Rock. So I'm gonna start off with just talking a little bit about me and where I come from, So I'm from Downingtown, Pennsylvania. So all about 4.5 to 5 hours from Slippery Rock. Obviously slippery rock does have more of that rural feel. During my college search, I knew that I did not want to be in a city. After coming out too slippery rock and visiting, I could really picture myself here. So just because I said that slippery rock is in more of a rural area. I don't want you to think that there's nothing to do around here. We have about 8500 students here, with an average class size of 25 students, a student faculty ratio of 21 to 1. So you can see from just those numbers that we are a huge school where you're just going to be sitting in a classroom and you're just another number. You actually get to be really involved here as involved as you want to be. I think the size is one of the things about Slip Iraq that really drew me here because it's not super small, but it's also not really big. So I found it to be that perfect medium size school that I've been ableto be challenged here and be really six. I heard from slippery rock just by a simple Google search, and I decided to give it a chance and look more into it. So I'm really happy that I didn't just disregard my Google search, and I took it seriously during my college search process. I applied Thio everything from private to public Teoh, a small school to the medium sized school like Slip Iraq. Like between my four schools, I had a lot of different things going on a lot of different things to consider. I ended up deciding on Slippery Rock for four main reasons. So one the reputation of the exercise science program of the physical therapy program. So I really decided that that was a really big important thing for me. So the reputation of the program, the cost, um, if we're just gonna be completely, really like slip Iraq is a state school. There's not a lot of state schools, especially in Pennsylvania, that offer an accelerated option for physical therapy. So being able to pursue that end goal at a state school with a state school tuition cost was definitely something that really drove me too. Slippery Rock three is definitely the beauty of campus. So the beauty was definitely one thing you have to love, where you're going to be. When you look out the window on, then for it's going to be the professors. They definitely really reeled me into what exercise science means and what it would be like going to slippery rock. I could totally picture myself there, and I think all of these four things together really just made slip Iraq the best decision for me. I mentioned earlier that I'm in exercise science major, and I just wanted to show you like where this was on campus. So here I am right now, sitting outside of Paterson and I just want to show you the view from what it looks like upstairs so you could get a little bit of a better idea of what the campus looks like. So I'm currently at the top of Paterson Hall right now, where I work in one of the offices, the Exercise science office, and I just want to show you guys the view from up here because honestly, there's no wonder I fell in love with the campus like Look how beautiful this is. It's actually flooring a little bit right now, and the campus is just so pretty. You can see some of the academic buildings and the quad right in front of you here. I'm a huge believer in the saying that the college experience is what you make it, and I just want to give you a couple pieces of advice to kind of help you with your college search and also see if you can picture yourself here at Slippery Rock. So first I just want to say that you just need to be yourself wherever you go, just 100% be yourself. That's how I was able to get really involved really fast. So I was able to talk to those around me, and I really took some initiative on my own education, my own experiences, and it really opened up a lot of opportunities for me as I was going through my undergrad years. It's slippery rock and three and just ask questions like there's really no stupid questions. The more you know, the more you'll be able to succeed and you'll meet new people, make great impressions, and you never know what doors they're gonna open up for you. I hope that you enjoyed my video and that you will join me for my other videos, talking about my college experiences and giving you some great advice about Slippery Rock University Go rock.