Science Exploration at RIT

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I'm a first year student at Rochester Institute of Technology, and today I wanted to give you guys and inside into the sense exploration program and share my experience as a student. So science exploration is an in depth exploration caused that allows first students to discover and deaf deeper into the different disciplines of science, with the aim of finding the perfect major that would help them with their career goals in the future. So if you are a student who is very much interested in stem, but you're not exactly sure which major you want toe choose once in college, science exploration might be a very good option for you. For me, I have I'm a student who's always been interested in stem. I wanted to be an engineer, and then for some time I wanted to be a mathematician, a coda. There's so many things right, it's really hard to decide, and that's how science exploration help me. So how it works is that throughout the first year you're guided your advice throughout the different disciplines, you are allowed to explore these disciplines at your own pace to figure out whether you can see yourself in that discipline. Or in that major, um, you are guided and advised by an amazing academic advisor and an amazing professor throughout the year to help you navigate throughout the different disciplines and find out which one is best suited for you. Okay, so now let's talk about academics and how classes are conducted. So other science exploration student, you will be taking the same classes that almost all other college of science majors are taking, which means that you you will have no additional time added to graduation, which is a great thing. That means even if you choose the exploration option for your first year off college, you will not be missing out on anything. So on the first day of classes, we were presented with a theme which in our case, with sports and we self divided into different groups throughout the semester, we were supposed to work as groups. Uh, with the specific time dedicated for each discipline, which was mathematics, physics, chemistry, emerging science and biology. We had to design experiments or projects that we would then present to the cross. Uh, my team and I did a lot of projects, which included using a Monte Carlo simulation to try to find the probability off a soccer ball hitting the target. We also did an experiment where all of us read for around 1 to 2 kilometers and try to find out an average time that would, um, induce anaerobic respiration in our bodies, which means our muscles would start to cramp up and how much time it takes for the message to de Graaff. There was also an experiment about concussions, and the list goes on and on. It was truly amazing to find out what my classmates and I, um, presented throughout the semester. Um, one more thing that we did throughout the classes in fall was conduct faculty interviews. We all had to contact around four faculty members and tried to learn more about that specific disciplines. So it was around a half an hour and a half an hour zoom call, and this was an opportunity for us to know more about the faculty. The research? What passion? It's them about their discipline. Why exactly did they choose that discipline with the aim of finding out if it is the perfect fit for us for our future Major? I really love listening to what other professors have done. It's truly amazing to hear the incredible what they have been doing, and it fascinates me to know that we could do so much. My biology professor, during a faculty interview told me that she was working on a project with NASA about how plants could live in outer space, and I thought that was absolutely mind blowing. So it's amazing to know more about other people, what they're doing and just be inspired. So how did tense expression help me? So I've always been someone who's been highly indecisive. I have always wanted to do it all, but that's not just possible, right? So science exploration helped me discover more and more. It's me and what exactly? I like about the different disciplines of science. I just completed the first semester, and I realized that as much as as I love mathematics, I don't love biologic quite as much. So this definitely was a time of self reflection and helped me narrow down all the options to find my perfect major. If you are someone a high school senior or someone applying right now on, you are confused about what you want to dio. I think that science exploration is a great option for you, given that you have no additional time for graduation and that you will be taking the same crisis as almost all other college of science majors. Um, if you're interested in the program but are not still quite sure or have any additional questions, I would highly encourage you thio Google such, uh, sent inspiration on All right, these Web page, where you can find out a lot more about the curriculum, the program and the academic requirements. There are also several open houses held throughout the semester by the admissions office and the College of Science to help students know more about the program through these open houses, you can get to know more about realized, uh, students and their projects and what they have been doing and how science exploration has helped them. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the program director, Dr Jeffrey Miss. Um, you can also reach out to him. I think his email will be listed on all righties Web page on. There is a first resource at already that can help you navigate all your college related questions and admissions all the program. If I hope that this video has helped you learn a little bit more about the science exploration project, I hope this you soon.