First Semester Recap: Yohermry

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I had the privilege on coming on campus for my first semester. So I just wanted to make this video and share some tips. Like you could go off track completely if you don't have a clear path on how you're gonna plan out your day and you want to get done. So one key thing that helps and that is keeping a calendar on you scheduling around your classes, putting times in where you're gonna eat times where you're going to socialize. I didn't do as much last semester, but I definitely wanna implement now because self improvement Yes, sir. Well, we used to have a meal swipe system where you would have a certain amount of swipes every week. We got to a point where I was just like, oh, crap, I don't wanna lose my money because I'm paying for these meal swipes so I'll just be swiping and eating and eating and eating a lot and, you know, freshman 15. Eat well, Go run around, exercise you what you need to do to take care of your body because you have a lot more energy to get your work done and you will be feeling better all the time. It would be nice where I just be scrolling on instagram for hours. I'm like, Why am I awake? Just sleep like it comes with self discipline to if you're able to like be like I I have a lot to do. Let me take care of myself first and you'll have more energy and you'll be better focused than your classes and your studies, and it helps out a lot go socialize. Last semester I don't know what happened to me, but I got really cooped up and I didn't wanna leave my dorm. Even if you're not looking to make friends, just having that change of scenery like huge for you. You're not confined to the four walls of your dorm. You're actually getting to see more of the canvas and clear up your mind to relax. Last semester, the imposter syndrome was really dog. When I told you I walked into my first class and I'm like a dog. I had my tea, I 89 in hand, and I hear all these people talking about what they did. Someone like E. I'm here like, Oh, that's crazy. All of you all might be on different paths or might be at different levels right now, But you guys are all in the same program, all working towards that goal. People might be ahead. People might be behind. Don't let the imposter syndrome get you because it got to me. I didn't think all right, You was gonna be as diverse as I saw it as being. There's actually ah, large variety of different people, different cultures that you're gonna experience here on campus, which is pretty eye opening. So you get to meet people from a lot of different places. There's a lot of national students here, too. So you have a friend from across the world that's pretty dope. Actually, you have a friend from Russia get involved. There's a lot of communities and groups and clubs that you can get involved with on campus. With these, you can actually not work with these people. Build a better network of people toe help you get to where you wanna be. Especially with older people, you can take a lot of their knowledge, learn from what they've done and apply it toe what you're doing and where you're gonna be. That's something I did a lot last semester to help me and got me on where I wanna go. I don't even know what I'm gonna eat later today. So having the insight from older people and maybe just anyone around you can help you out a lot. Your mental college can be a bit stressful sometimes, especially around the time of finals. School is an amazing tool that could get you to a lot of places. Don't forget to take care of yourself first. So these air a couple major takeaways I took from last semester and I hope that they can help you out, too. It's a great school, and there's a lot of resource is here to guide you and help you to just move to that next level in your life.