RIT Dorm Survival Guide

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So you want to know about Tibor in life? This is the ultimate our I T dorm survival guide. I have lived in one for a semester, so let's do that. So in this video, I'm probably I'm mostly gonna be covering the double dorm, which is what most freshmen living. Then the rectangles 18 by 10 squares air, usually in low rise buildings. So all the rest hall, so a B and C. So you find mostly squares and those and then in the high rise buildings like Ellingson and Gleason, then you'll find more rectangle type building. So you're probably wondering what's in my dorm? And I got you. So what should I break? So I packed delight and then ended up getting more stuff as I moved on campus because I live five hours away, so it helped me on the drive there. Uh, that helps is, well, another thing that's really important that you should bring our these because, like if you're living in a dorm, you're gonna have communal bathrooms and like, you don't wanna be putting your bare feet on the stuff everyone's been on. So having at least a couple notebooks and some pencils and some binders would help is well, too. Some of the older buildings don't have a C. This was kind of tragic when I moved in, because my roommate and I thought we had a building with a C so a fan would be pretty important. If you're living in a non air conditioned building, it's like hanging. I personally prioritized my computer set up because I do make a lot of music on the side. So Zlate dorm side food, What am I gonna eat? We're all humans. Boom, if you're living on like, I call it so we have dorm side she, like, split it up there is, like the top. So like the north side of dorm side, like the south side. So the south east side, like if you're looking at it on the map, the southeast bottom off side of dorm side is where most of the rest halls are. Since I lived there, I was eating race season beans if I didn't wanna, like, travel across campus to go somewhere. You could get food from also, and if you want, like the north side of campus, then you have options like comments, which is pretty good. On top of that, every building also has a laundry room. So the laundry rooms you're primarily gonna find in the basement levels, Which is pretty cool, because guess what? The basements are connected to the tunnels and the tunnels are like mad chip like it's like a whole interconnected like network. If you don't wanna go outside to go somewhere, you could just go through the tunnels not every resident hall or building or just connected to the tunnels like there's academic tunnels. Like, I lived in Rest Hall and I thought I could go over seeing my friends in a different building just through our tunnels, but they weren't connected, so you just got to be a bit careful of that. Buildings also have different types of floors as well, too. So I unfortunately lived in an all male building, so I wasn't really able to experience the fullest extent of this. I mean, there's different kinds of living arrangements on every floor, depending on the building. So if that's what you're interested in, buildings have that available to. In total, I believe there's around 13 plus buildings that you can live in. A couple of those buildings are high rise buildings. So if you want, like a view of the campus, I mean, you could live in one of those. There's also on another side of the campus, the R I T n, which is kind of like a hotel type thing. It's a bit farther from everything else, but if you wanna live in something more like comfortable, I mean, you could live there. I think it's cool, but one big important thing is the quarter mile, so this is like the long quarter mile because it's not actually a quarter mile that connects the dorm side to the academic side. So if you're looking for a building that is closer to the academic side, so you don't have to, like, walk more in the morning. Try and find a building that's closer on the line to the quarter mile. There's actually a handy dandy website that's been put together detailing all like the coffee out of every building. I mean, the face valley things you want to know about the buildings. If you do get approved, then you can live with a bunch of like minded people, which I mean, I found pretty cool. If you can't talk to your roommate or don't feel comfortable around them, I live with them. There's always a Facebook group around every year that you can put your info on and find people on child with them and see if they would like Thio potentially live with them being considered. Because this is the person you're gonna be spending a lot of your living time around with.