Here's Kendall from Louisiana!

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I'll show you guys the food we've got here, but over here, introduce yourself Warming my man. How's it going, man? My name is Kendal Pierre from Lafayette, Louisiana. You know, I chose danger just to get away from home. I was tired of seeing the same people every day of my life, and I just wanted to do something new. Are you described the student body? One word can really describe the student body at St John's. There's a lot of different cultures and ethnicities all around campus. I love meeting people think all over this great experience, you know, learning about what they like from what I like differences. You know, we have some of the same stuff in common. Uh, so what's your major? My major is finding cool. Can you do what you described the academic cult? Uh, academic climate? That's a tough question. If you're slacking, you know, you're not gonna have much fun because you know time doing your work all the time. If you know, take care of your business, you get the job done. Why my favorite part about St John's? Be completely one hundred percent honest with you all the different times female. I don't get to see all this back home, you know, is either, you know, using light, what was either a blank and they got everything. Now, now, let me hear your least favorite part about St John's. Why these favorite part of St John's? It's cool. You're not using the cool weather down here in the south.