Liberty Terrace

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I'm a junior at the university and I'Ll be today I'll be showing you around my apartment here Liberty Tears two thousand conflicts for public Last care. You see how stuff this is you nor hate nor the lack of folding, but they're pretty deep. They give you a lot of space and every doorman comes fully stocked with these. You're not worried? All storage space over here. We have a desk about my TV on because I need to watch my show. That's just yeah, catch up game thrones coming on soon, but way have this best here. So I was saying to be prepared for that coming into it. Um, I wasn't prepared for how lonely were so transition from my dead. This one little bit awkward, my so high before on the door. This one here is actually more comfortable than our dorm beds. Because Weir, that's once earlier one size that puts on the dorms there. This is actually the handicap Accessible bathrooms My sweetly I'LL show you my bathroom and just a little bit. Every apartment has one of these and one of my significantly smaller. You have the shower shave that is here so it doesn't look too big on town, but it's decent. One, maybe two people like its is very size you to share. Here, this one's lining shower share with her, our sweet mate. You see a significant former first one way doctor. Here's our kitchen cleaned up just nice for you guys. Table living room, kitchen Holy There you have it for about beautiful tears. Hope you enjoy the guy's hopes around campus soon.