Our Ensemble in Two

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Hear about our split sections and how that works and how that helps our learning. Two seconds and there's one on one and one no, to all four of us are in Section one o one. So each section has, like, sixteen people, and it's like half of our acting class. So And then on Fridays we get Teo, have our acting class together, which is really helpful. I think I think what the smaller sections a lot allow us to do is to have that small student faculty ratio and also, I think, especially on Fridays, it can be a little overwhelming, but it's a breath of fresh air. Sixteen people, I think, is really valuable just because it creates a safe spaces. It's more intimate connection and interaction with the teacher, and it's less stimulation. Eso it's it's our focus is more direct, especially because you know when we're training to be actors and it's a lot of physical, you know, hands on kind of stuff you want to try. That's how you learn this from trying it yourself, having smaller groups. It's definitely better just because you have more opportunity to try that exercise or try that right years or whatever. I'll see everyone there's so much more trust Tio, because you really get to know people in their bodies and what they can handle and what they're what they're days are, And you can feel energy when it comes into a room and it's really special. On DH. It's also just good to have, like another group of people that are learning the same things as you. So you could be like if something weird happened in class again. Wait, that's actually such a good point because all my roommates are in a different section. When I come home, we just talk about the day and like what our experience was like and it's always so vastly different, which gives you another another like perspective. Is that since there are two different sections you communicating and collaborating with the other section about like, what your time was in class gives you new perspective. Like great toe have conversations. Because when you can talk about your two different experiences, I think that's so valuable because you come to new conclusions about with the material. Like, remember, Theo didn't even like process before, So it's really awesome.