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So right now on the first floor of the library, the main library here I can't wait because there are multiple. A lot of people say it's the tallest building and can't. For there is one stop which will help you with your financial aid in anything with scholarships, grants with things like that as well. On this floor of this Starbucks, there's all types of help. There's also be death where you can read books in a really fun thing that I enjoy is that you can get books from other library sent here, so you should go all the way Larry can get it right. As a student, you'LL get that benefit for three some other great things about being at the library. You can schedule to meet with a library, and that is an expert in a certain field, maybe science you in faction, and they can help you with their research for any papers Just making a play for the bed and they will tell you help you with everything that you need to know as well. The first forest floors are mainly for group working on projects and been a lovely force. So if you just want to have a quiet, sweet to be work work work group projects, there are pods on the fourth floor where you can hook up your computer and practice presentation and doing things like that. Personally, I do not come home library too much to study just my Christmas different. I like to be my dorm, but the library is a great place to come and study or do projects. They do have apple computers here and when those computers to use at your disposal. It is so helpful, and I really need to use him more honestly, Maybe I will. After doing this video, but definitely use the library used to. Dr. Grey is one of the most important places here on campus.