Speech Pathology & Audiology Major

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Now lift my really Maddie And she excuse for thousand in Ranger. Actually, we met on, like, an app called schools that I believe. Yeah, because usually, like anyone else, I guess coming here and that was really very active community, relate. Look, it was really great match because, like, I love being roomies with haste is good. I recommend that and somebody tell me a little bit like about your major yet, So I look and not very familiar with this. What is your major, my major in speech pathology and ideologies, like you said. It's a lot about diagnosing speeches, shoes or disorders, and you can go on different routes. You can go into a school setting and we're with kids who have disabilities like dancing, Joan or autism. Or you could go to a hospital in good work with people who have had strokes or have a face. Then audiology is more than hearing side of things. So you're doing this hearing issues and you can do here needs our cook clearing plans. Look, I really love that, like, Why did you choose? Can stay exactly for that. I was between can't stay and school and Michigan called Calvin College. So I can't say it was like, the cheaper option. I got to come here and be in the honors college, which was great and gave me some extra money and on the living situation was really cool. I think I was ready for, like, somewhere a little bit bigger and like a little bit more diverse than what I was used to my hometown. How did you Seconds will work with you Like a lot of work to do, like in sweet pathology is a pretty difficult reburial. Would you? I think the classes so far I last year was pretty much just general staff, an introductory like biology and psychology and stuff like that. Then this year has been more of a more rigorous in a little bit more into my core curriculum. So take classes like speech and language acquisition and let's fanatics so much like the basics for speech. Like the building, the base classes so has been regular us, but in a way that you don't fight for your greed. You understand that? Would you like, have any advice? E. With your high school self? See myself? So I get you prepared to come here to prepare for your major. That I would tell myself like not so much worried about comparing myself to my peers, because in high school it was like it was one thing where, you know, like you find your people in, like you all have different abilities. Here is like there are people who are better at you in things and just enjoy my farm. Make friends with people rather than worry about being so competitive here, like also that, like, go at your own pace. Definitely just because I'm new, but I like you said a really great Maddy. Someone should tell me where about speech pathology audiology, because best sound like they're really very mediocre. That was helpful for a people who may be considering going into that meeting.