Johnson Hall Dorm Tour

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I. So right now I'm gonna be giving you a tour of one of the honors college dorms, and I live in Johnson. They are adding Centennial Court B to the other storms as well. So if you have any friends coming in with you but maybe are not honors, you can solo with them. If you want to live in Centennial Court B, And right now I'm going to get into this one. When you first walk in to the honor storms, you have the bathroom and you also have the closets right here. The closets have the main part, and then you also have the two tours of the bottom and you have a bunch of stories on top. If you wanna store just any actual things that you don't have room for, like, buy a bed And then if you go into a back room, found it is a private bathroom. So you do not have to worry about Shay with everyone on your floor. So that's a really great about having this private bathroom. Is that someone does come in clean a once a week for you. There are little sections, but I would recommend getting one of these catties toe hold all the things. Over here, we have the sink area, you can see me and there's a lots of room on the think there's two mirrors on this side and it actually opened them up their sort and there so you can store all of your toiletries and things like that. Then if we come over here, this is my roommate side of the room. As you can see, there are different a lot of different ways to lock Bez. My roommate actually has hers half loft it with the desk on this inside and so basically half oft it, it will be on top of the dresser and then you'LL have extra room to sort under it. Eat honors, collars room actually think each room on campus comes with a microwave, a fridge, aerator, any freezer. That is the tour of the other storms last Johnson Hall and I just want to say that Johnson is not necessarily an exclusive freshman dorm like Eastway is most of the people that are our freshman and we're still still that that experience being around freshman and other incoming students, taking you for more around the honors college, as well as another dorm that's popular campus called Tri Towers.