Lincoln Park Dining Hall Tour

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Before you even enter the dining hall, you'll need to sweat your meal plan card. Stop your best ramming my life Warming I'm always end. Is those of your debating on whether or not you could actually go to the dining hall? I would say, don't, um, especially the Lincoln Park ones. If you want breakfast, it's nine dollars lunch, ten dollars and dinner, I believe, is thirteen dollars. If you just wanted a banana for breakfast, you have to swipe your card and grab the banana, and that'll cost you the full nine dollars, which doesn't really make sense to me. So you really like a man that you just do breakfast on your own? I always just have a banana or a granola bar in the morning and then typically just do lunch and dinner at the dining hall's. Although I haven't been for breakfast yet, I know that there's like a bagel station who could make waffles make pancakes. So if you really want a full breakfast, then I would say Go to breakfast, Thank you. Look out less bit skeptical or unsure about what's being served for the day. There's always a pizza and pasta bar, so you always know that there's a choice to go, Teo. My favorite part about the dining hall's salad bar because it changes from week to week. So there's a huge variety of ingredients, and they're always really fresh. Sure what up? Oh, now, in addition to the main dining hall there also three outside many dining halls on there's one that serves Mexican food, one that serves chicken like fried chicken, grilled chicken sandwiches and then one that serves Asian foods like Rahman, and every quarter they'll change it. If you're thinking about getting the Roman Joan because it's literally just noodles and broth and it's discussing, so don't waste your flex dollars. Right next to the dining hall is the TC store, which is kind of like a mini grocery store. Uh, they really jacked the prices up, so I would say only in emergencies like, when you need that emergency halo top, then go to the PC store. Other than that, I would say Just go to regular target or whole foods down the street.