Interview with Anna

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My major, is currently public policy with mine and geography. I'm from San Jose, California, and that's me. So I looked in Seattle and Boston in New York City, and I toured actually only January twentieth, meaning the worst weather of all times because I still love to fall. I I was really interested living here, going to accountant university student body numbers, the intelligence. Yeah, there's a There's a what range of ages. Reyes's sexualities like genders and its incredible like. You need to call because very social justice based on every subject, some contest into a sentient mission or some social justice linked to the city of Chicago. People are always very, very passionate about each subject. Such a brother business, whether it's hospitality, whether it's science or even like peace, just conflict really connected to one of my favorite thing about the politics is something I heard I'm stealing. His answer from somebody is that it's like a choose your own adventure. There's so many options for you, student, not only in terms of major but and how you want to go about your academic language campus, where you want to live in this city. What you want to get involved in their such a variety. There's there's so much that you can keep this to yourself. Whether classes, clubs, three clicks, the people who are very, very, very much just choose what your passion about shoes have a fortune, my least. Everything about Paul because it's such a computer school. Sometimes it can be hard for commuter students or or other students don't live on campus around campus to find community. When I found out with students who were out of state and that it could be a little more difficult to find community, but I think it's not that they're unable to. It just takes a little bit more time than a conventional state.