Interdisciplinary Studies Major and Cuic Dorms

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This is my friend Aisha, and this is our awesome room. So this is not your average dorm room, But it is what a single room would look like in quique dorms. Um, so I used to want to introduce yourself and explain why you chose Indiana State. My major is interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis and marketing, hospitality and film production. To be really like, one of the main reasons why I chose in the state was because it was far enough away from home, where, like, my mom could really bother me at home. Which is a way, Yes, it is a like So, like, my parents don't really come down just trying to go out with me. Then I'm also close enough where I could go home and see them when I need Teo. So that was one of the main reasons that also, they have a great film department tallies, so that also give me room to grow. So can you explain your interdisciplinary minor a little bit more. So we have a a program here at St where you get to create your own major, and that's called interdisciplinary studies because you're building into different aspects, different department. So we have participating departments here on campus. I'm a little bit different from a few other people because I have marketing, and that's typically not major that combined with two other ones. They want to make it work, and they definitely work with you on that. So I was I decided, like, whatever we want, career, not like those three departments that suited what I wanted to. What's your favorite part about being an SD s? U N y favorite part is definitely meeting the people that I've got here. Like, recycle that I want to achieve, like even before I graduated. Like I'm just some years a couple Still because of the people myself.