Inside Academics at Denison

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Certainly a liberal arts education exposes students to a broader range of different ideas. Venison does it better than other liberal arts colleges because of close mentorship, whether it's with your advisor with your professors, it's a small class. Sizes and innocent faculty defined themselves, and their role is faculty very differently. Then at other institutions, a dentist in It's beyond advising, and it's never with one adviser. That you have to explore very broadly, is a journey that's a great value, because that often changes along the way. You have the flexibility to do that over over the four years. Value is in the student's, reflecting on the different classes and different approaches that there putting together to look at the big picture, identify problems and connect the dots, helping students take their own value systems and figure out how to solve the problem in a way that was uniquely theirs. All of a sudden, a student asked the question, and I have an epiphany in the classroom because of a student coming and talking to me about something that I've been teaching for ever. I'm like, I just deepened my knowledge there. Thanks to your question, we have the best faculty, and we get to be interesting people to We have an English professor who is a world class fencer. We have a classics professor who just published a crying fiction novel. I think that's one of the things that attract students, and they're just really excited about getting to know us. The one on one or small group experiences with students working with students on summer research projects, a gift of time for students in any discipline to dig in. To do this kind of independent work building the kind of skills that are so useful in life, crossing these boundaries, creating these connections and it becomes this great community when you get those students were working on the different projects together in the same building, it's like this an intensive dormitory lab. They're they're the best students in their high school environments and they like challenges and they like to meet the challenge. Think students come to Dennison often because they want a breath of choice. They come with such heartfelt belief and courage that they can engage in rigorous learning. Ah, creative writing student who had gone on to get a graduate degree in creative writing and then from there it's had a very successful career in digital marketing. She said, You know, the skills that I used in that job are very much the skills of an English major of interpreting images and understanding messages in communicating. That's about the skills that transferable skills that you learn from that experience. You're not just preparing for the first job that you have after college, but a whole lifetime of different kinds of roles and jobs that you're gonna play alums. Comeback been out one or two or three years, and they're in a top level graduate school like Stanford where they're working for Google on day, come back and they say, You know, among my peer group, I'm just better prepared. You just have to be in it to experience it to love it once they get that relationship between theory, analysis, critical thinking and what they want to do in their lives, what they even want to do in athletics, what they want to do in their Greek life, what they want to do for that organization that they care so much about what they want to do as artists.