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Choosing to come to Dennison was the most important decision I've made. I feel like I'm getting a huge advantage by being in Denison student. Your professors are just your professor's, their mentors to, and coaches and faculty and different staff will be really engaged in how you're doing, not just as a student or an athlete, but a person as well. Professors give you a lot to do, and they challenge you. We're constantly evolving and constantly changing. One of them is Data Analytics and another is global commerce. Then there's a new concentration with economics called financial economics. Career exploration is a priority here, and not just for people who work here at the school, but for alumni. We have a vast, accomplished network of alumni that are willing to engage with students and help him get internships in between school years and jobs after graduation. Our campus spaces are incredible, their state of the art science labs. Our athletic center was given an incredible makeover a couple years ago. There's a new performing arts center in the works thistles, a great place to live. Dennison is beautiful and being on top of the hill, you kind of have your own community in place to live, and you can walk down in Granville and grab a bite. If you wanna go to a cool concert or visit a museum, Columbus is only a short drive away. Dennison students will often say that they're really busy, but they also say that what they're doing is what they love. There's like 100 and 70 organizations here of a student body that has a bit over 2000 people. So you're likely to find something that you love here and also something that you've probably never heard of. You don't have to be limited to just one area. Many people combine different areas and interest in ways that are unparalleled by other colleges. Yeah, there's a lot going on here, and I'm gonna miss this place when I graduate.