Student Life at Denison

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So what is it like to live at Denison? Well, first, we all live here all four years on campus unless you choose to study abroad. Which about half of us steel. Everyone asks about the rez halls somewhere tied to things you care about, like language and culture and sustainability. Some are more like apartments and some of your classic two beds, two deaths, two closets. This is where Dennis own Ian's often see that they have made their best friends for life and the food. There are a lot of options from the dining hall, the snack bar, but Bandersnatch and the nest. You'll probably hear a lot about Mac and cheese, locally grown foods and something called this Nagel. Best of all, your roommates, any classmates are not all just like you. Dennison is an exceptionally diverse college in all kinds of ways and as a student body, we are urban suburban. Outside of your rez halls, there's a lot going on. We worked through conflict and across difference and learn how to get things done together. Whether that be a research or study abroad, maybe it's service, learning or writing a novel. Maybe it's clubs intramural sports for varsity athletics arts. If you just want to watch other people do stuff, you might as well choose another school. If you want to do those things, this is the place. Wallace matters here, ruin Kurds to focus and to see Carmen E. In all of our commitments and to understand that a dentist in education has three very important parts. Second experiences, including career preparation, what you do inside and outside of the costume. We live and we learn here on the hill and a nearby places like Columbus. We're figuring out how we want our lives to look, we're matching who we are to who you want to be. We are all in, and he wouldn't have it any other way. I'm going to go and leave you never to see you any bad guys.