Gigi Huang Introduction - IB & CEMS 2022

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Hello. My name is Gigi and I'm recording this video from the nation's capital, Ottawa. I was born and raised in Taiwan then immigrated to Canada with my family in 2012. I'm currently enrolled in the MSc Masters in Management, specialized in International Business and the CEMS Masters in International Management Program at Ivey Business School, which started in January 2021. Prior to pursuing a master's degree in business. I completed my undergrad and biomedical science and minor psychology at the University of Ottawa. The reason why I chose Ivey was because of this case solving method. I want to learn how to solve cases and see how these contexts will be applicable when I work in the future. Furthermore, I was really attracted by the opportunity to go abroad and complete a dual degree through the CEMS program, which offers you exchange programs across the world and top universities. I would say the most valuable part of doing a business degree at Ivey Business School is the student. I am so grateful for meeting a lot of unique individuals from all around the world. We all come from different backgrounds, speak multiple languages and have so much to contribute in these in class discussions, which makes it super enriching. Lastly, I want to share some of my personal experiences of completing the first semester online. As you may know, due to Covid 19, the first entire semester of 2021 was delivered virtually. Many students, including myself, decided to stay at home to complete their online courses instead of moving to London, Ontario, Canada, and that includes international students who are actually doing this course online from different countries. This makes the group projects both challenging and interesting because we have to learn how to collaborate with people from different time zones and learn how to connect and also have effective communication across different cultures despite only working with them virtually. This concludes my first campus real video. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly on LinkedIn. Meanwhile, please stay safe, stay healthy. And I hope to see you soon at the Ivey campus.