My-Linh - HBA - Introduction and Why I Chose the Ivey Business School HBA Program

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I'm 1/5 year civil engineering and business student here at Western University and the I V Business School. This program has a unique two plus two structure where for your first two years you get to study and pursue whichever major or degree you'd like, whether it's music, art or engineering, which was what I pursued and for the last two years from the university degree. You get to spend it at the Ivey Business School studying business, and at the end you walk away with an H B. A. Another thing with this unique two plus two structure is three opportunity to pursue a combined degree. Three combined degree programs are five years and length normally, and you get the opportunity to graduate with two degrees. At the end of my five years, I'm gonna graduate with a bachelor of engineering science as well as an H B A. This is structured very similarly and that you spend your first two years in whichever program you choose. Then in third year, you spend it solely in what we call the HB A one year, if your 4th and 5th years you spend it half pursuing business and the other half the time you're pursuing your other degree on Westerns Main campus. One thing that really appealed to me at the Ivey Business School in West University is the flexibility of this program. The H B A program Emissions happened after second year, so you have the opportunity to study whatever you want in your first two years and really decided businesses for you. For me, I got the opportunity to study engineering as well as take some introduction to business courses and really decide if I felt that I wanted to pursue business. Even though I really enjoyed business, I knew I would like engineering. So because of the combined degree, I'm able to walk away with both in engineering and business degree and not just choose one, which is something that not all universities can give you. The Ivy Business Schools H B A program is structured in a way to create a long lasting community and network for you even once you graduate in your HB a one year each student is assigned to a section. Each section is about 75 students, and their you do all your core courses together and over the entire HB. One year, you're encouraged to work with new people and really make long lasting connections. Overall, the flexibility within the I V H B A program and its immense sense of community is what convinced me to come here. So I hope that you'll stick around and stay tuned for more as I take you through my life as an Ivy Business School student.