Dorm Room Essentials & Roommates

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So when your first moving into a college dorm as a freshman, you probably gonna have a lot of questions as you like, What you need specifically and what I would say is, do some research into the dorm that you're gonna be living in because, for example, me. So that's just a big example of, like catering towards your needs in the certain dorms, because every dorm is gonna be different. There are going to be those items that every dorm basically needs. So the first thing I want to recommend more than anything that says, Save me a lot of effort is having a Brit a water filter. I don't like keeping around plastic water bottles. It's wasteful, and it's not good for your health. So I really would recommend one of these water filter, um, containers. I just felt up in my sink, and it filters the water and keep it in my fridge. Don't even have to put it in your friend if you don't have one. I really would recommend doing that as well as keeping a water bottle, uh, a reusable water bottle to bring around everywhere in campus because you're gonna be walking a lot. Odds are so you need to have water to stay hydrated all the time and around campus, it's pretty awesome. They have those, like refillable stations, basically in every buildings. That's pretty sweet, but it's really important to stay hydrated. Another important thing is making sure that your dorm is clean so you can actually rent brooms in the U. N T dorms. You just go to the front desk and you ask for a broom, or you can ask for a vacuum. Do you have it? And you can clean your room and rent that out. I would recommend also getting disinfecting wipes just so you can wipe off all the germs again. A lot of people, lot of sickness is so you want to stand public that and make sure that you're keeping your space clean because this is where you spend a lot of your time. As a student, I think it's really important to stay on top of your work. I really liked mine because I've got to decorate it with stickers. Um, but even if they don't give you a plan or you can go get one at the store for a really low price, I think it's very important to keep track of your studies. What assignments we do, and what you're probably going to hear is on syllables day. You write down every single due date for every assignment, so you can keep track of what you need to do, because when you're jumbling a lot of assignments at once, you need to make sure that you don't lose track of them. Um, if you don't know what's doing, you have five or six different classes to handle, So having a planner keeping track of your assignment is very very important in college. Also what I've discovered is post it notes are like my best friend. Um, what I usually do is every day I write down different bullet point of tasks that I have to do that day. I put it in my planner I'll put little reminders on the mirror. Um, my desk, just like little things like don't forget to take out the trash, do your laundry, turned this assignment and just little things like that And you could even put it on your leg notes on your phone. Just so you know what you're doing, because when you're in college, it's a little bit different from when you're in high school and at home. No one's really telling you that you have these things to do. You got to make sure that you're responsible and keeping track with these little items, such as a planner imposed to know its really do help you in the long run for your success here. So now I'm going to quickly touch base on roommates and how you can find your roommate how it works. So if you would do have a preferred roommate you could put that on the housing portal. If you don't know who you're gonna be rooming with, housing portal has this little survey that you put in all your information all your likes, dislikes. What kind of personality you have, What kind of cleaning style you like? What kind of structure you like in a room and a person, and they'LL match you with someone who they think that you're gonna like, flow well with. Um, my my friend actually met her best friend as a roommate, so it could definitely be scary and her rocking that you're not going to know here rooming with. Just do it in advance, the application for the housing so you can figure out who you're gonna be rooming with an advance. Like who's gonna buy the mic away? We're going to do things so I wouldn't just too much about the roommate situation because if you do have problems, the people working at your home, we'LL help you, like, solve it. Just know that most likely, every person who's going to be in your hall is a new, and they have the same fears worries that you do.