Arizona State University: Admissions

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Really, My name is Bianca, and I'll be your guide Tosu and introduce prospective students to the campus. As all college students know and prospective students are nervously anticipating, the college admissions process is a long and arduous process. Luckily, each college, including S U, has many helpful guidelines and tips that are outlined for success into applying for general application requirements and tips, and how to find where to access the portal. So it really isn't uncommon for prospective students to be very nervous at the prospect of applying to college. Believe me, every college student who's applied to College World definitely understand that experience. It's just so unique and different for everyone that I can't really speak for everyone, including my friends. So A C was basically like a safety school for me because I wanted to have that opportunity to go in college and state, right? But also, I wanted to expand my horizons and see if I could get to other colleges like out of state like California colleges and whatnot. In the end, I really did only applied to like 567 colleges, whereas other classmates of mine actually applied to, like, 30 or more and honestly, I don't recommend that because the admissions fees for applications could get really expensive. So unless you want to pay for all that, go ahead. Really, Ace, you made the process quite easy. Honestly, issue made it very easy as to what the requirements for. So that's a very helpful thing for people who are curious about issue statistics for acceptance rates. S U is known for being very inclusive as stated in their charter. General essays include why you want to apply to a S U. Why you chose your specific major and why you want to study that specific topic. It's very good because it tests your abilities to write and think critically and express your voice to the team. I tend to see about a lot of students get very overwhelmed as to how to showcase their abilities and what they want to offer to ask you. Really, the admissions team is looking for a lot of you people, so they're really willing to see what makes you you what differentiates you from different people. You're only given so much limited time to actually do that through essays, test scores, extracurriculars, but nonetheless, it's very important to keep in mind. It's important to stay true to yourself because they can also tell if you're lying or if you're just faking everything because you want to get into a good college. Just don't be afraid to speak your voice and speak what you want to communicate the officers, because that's exactly what they're looking for. When people are wanting to apply to the same college is you. That's where you have to make yourself no showcasing your talents, what you've been through high school and why you wanted to pursue such things and how they correlate until what you want to study in college. Honestly, in my biggest piece of advice for extracurricular this toe have a small amount of activities that you love to do and enjoy, and it pertains to your intended field of study rather than putting like 10 clubs and volunteer things on your resume or your transcript because you said you wanted to do these things again. Want to showcase your uniqueness and why you want to do these things in college and why they should accept you to do those things. Talking about 10 or more different clubs and volunteer activities really only do more harm in the long run shows that you really aren't focused on what you want to do. They can really tell if you're just putting those things on your application because it thinks that will appeal to the college, right? Just do activities that you love rather than doing a lot just because you want to put them on your resume. In regards to test prep, especially for the S A T in the a C. T. It really varies with different students and how you yourself are with studying for tests like this, I did self study rather than actually applying for classes that helped with tutoring for the S, A. T or the a C T. Simply because I knew that I could study. Again, the inevitable rejection was also a think Keep in mind that the possibility of being rejected is very clear. Looking back on it now, I really do recommend prep classes because it shows you how the tests are designed and what questions that you have to look out for, especially if you're weaker in a certain area. For me, mathematics was definitely the hardest part of these tests, so I would definitely recommend, you know, tutoring and test prep for the subjects of your leaguer in because the S. A. T and a c T are really designed to make you think critically rather than just memorization. Stuff is very important to familiarize yourself with the topics and how they design questions. Also keep in mind that while people place importance on test scores, it's not the only factor that admissions teams consider they really make it known, especially in a city that really any college, that it's a very holistic process. You could really make it up through your grades in college and your other. You really want to prioritize your essays because they're the key focus that give the admissions team or insight into your character. You really wanna have those essays ready? Better to submit them early than late, obviously, especially if you want to get into a certain university. To finally really keep in mind that even though it's a very stressful process, you are very capable of doing it. Of course, it's very stressful where all the deadlines and different things you have to consider. It's very important to also keep in mind that you deserve to take a break. It's very important to get your risk, especially if you're considering applying into higher education like law school Med school grad school. I can attest to that, but it's very important to keep in mind that there's many factors that you have to keep in mind into applying for college, so just because you don't get to a certain college. I promise you that Yeah, that really is all I have for the admissions process for a tissue and more advice.