COVID Testimonial - Dorm Life

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Again, this is your comprehensive guide to dorm life at A S U Thank you dorm that you are placed in Depends on your major or your college. I'm a part of Bharat the Honors College, which means that I was placed in a Barrett dorm for somebody who was, for example, of business Major. There's ah Hall called Hacienda, which is where all of the business majors are placed. Your major determines people that you live with, which is really great because it's kind of an added sense of community. You're going to classes with these people and you're living with, um S U has a freshman year living requirement and a freshman and sophomore year living requirement for Barrett students. You can apply for an exemption from your dorm like I did this semester in order to study and work at home. When you get a dorm room, you also are likely to get a meal plan, and a meal plan consists of a certain number of meals per week at the dining hall corresponding with your dorm hall as well as a certain amount of maroon and gold dollars, which is like a issue money that you can spend any of the dining halls on campus or at the memorial union, which we call the EMU, where all of the restaurants are located, such as Chick fil A Pay Way. If you're tired of your dining hall food or you want to try a different dining hall, you're not limited to just eating from your meals for the week. If you run out of meals, you have M and G just in case. I was able to access the Barrett dining hall, but I could also eat at any of the other dining halls using my meal swipe. My recommendation for Barrett housing or any housing on a C campus is apply early as soon as you know that you're going to a S u. Maybe even before you know that you're going to ask you for sure. That's the way that you can really connect with roommates and find people that are looking for roommates. Your roommates are such an important part of your freshman year experience. I actually waited way too long to apply for my dorm. My least favorite thing about dorm ing on campus my first year was how lonely I got because I didn't have roommates. My favorite thing about living in the dorms to be on a more positive note waas my sense of independence because I've lived in the same house with my parents my whole life. Thio kind of know that I'm able to take care of myself and take care of my space and do that on my own and develop a routine that worked for me like eating at certain times, eating healthy, going to the gym, working out, getting all my class work done as well as like cleaning my dorm. My abilities thio be ah, human, you know, like to be an adult something that I really needed. I guess when I was moving in was like, What do I need to buy from my dorm? Like a list of exactly what I needed? And while I don't have that for you, I can give you some suggestions of what, like really helped me out. The lights that were built in, at least in the Barrett dorms are like not great, like you're probably gonna be working late hours into the night doing your homework if you like to study at night, so you should definitely have a desk lamp if you have room in your budget. At issue comes with your room, so it's totally free. Usually your laundry room is on just one of the floors of your building mine was like two floors above me. Something else that you might want to consider getting for your dorm after you do your initial move in is decorations. I kind of want to recommend that you focus on, like the major needs for your dorm room before you focus on the surface level, decorations and stuff. Once you move into your dorm, you'll have a lot more of a sense of like what space you actually have to decorate. So since I'm not on campus, I want to show you a clip from a little dorm tour that I put together of my freshman dorm room last year. It was for my friend, so it's not like great quality, and I apologize that it's filmed vertically, but it will give you at least a little bit of an idea of what it was like to live in a Barrett dorm as a first year student at issue. So here I am, going into my dorm room in Cottonwood Hall, fifth floor. Here I am showing you my little shoe storage card, which I was super proud of that I built from Ikea and the other side of my closet, which has my laundry basket in my laundry bag for carrying my laundry up to the laundry room and my clothes and then my cleaning supplies up top. The desk and the chair come with the room, just showing you some of my little decorative elements and my electric kettle and broken clock and my personal filing system, which was super helpful tohave here. I'm showing you my backpack and then my mug, bowl, spoon, fork and plate, which was all that I really needed to have in my dorm. Here's my dresser that also comes with the dorm jewelry, stands and mirror. Ah, lot more space in the dorm Being a relatively small room to start with here, I'm showing you the lovely view out of my window. I'm about to show you my fan, which was nice toe have when it got hot in the room My bookshelf, which also came with the room from A S. U and my super comfortable swivel chair that I got from target in the blanket that I got from Ikea. There's a bar with all the different kinds of housing, and you want to click on freshman housing. I'm gonna click on traditional meal plans just to show you what your options will be if you are a non Barrett student. As I discussed before the meal plans are made up of Mng and meal swipes. Here we have the unlimited meal swipes Sparky's favorite, which is 14 and all the different meals which have different numbers of meal swipes and different amounts of Mng. Go back to freshman housing and there's actually an option to take a virtual tour, and it's really cool because all of these virtual tours are actually VR. So if you click on them, you actually get to move your device and look around the room as if you're really there. I hope that brief overview of a C dorm life was helpful to you. I really hope that you will continue to watch my videos as I give you more information about what it's really like to be a student at a So You See you next time.