Arizona State University Campus Tour!

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I'm a student here at Arizona State University. Today I'm gonna be showing you a little bit around campus after Max out this video. Because everyone speaking the students around campus wearing masks, But jumpy campus is one of the campuses I ask you. It's the largest one has about 70,000 students on this campus is about a square mile, so it's actually pretty big. Okay, so this building behind me is the son of a fitness center. It's actually the largest cleated gym in the nation. So it's huge way have basketball course in there. We have swimming pools of all the equipment you need to work out. You actually get credit for being a fitness class, which is pretty cool, but yes, a lot of stuff in there. So this is where we have Oliver interview Rose happening. Voluble soccer people, anything you could really think of. Way having So this here is my favorite walkway kind of are Pride possession here, you this palm Look, there's about 110 palm trees on this walkway right here. It actually started because the first president of issue him and his wife moved over here and his wife got really homesick because there were no palm trees here in Arizona because they were from California. So you decided to play an entire palm walk just for her. I think they are like some sort of drone that takes packages from place to place. Behind me, this is the business school, this little area of buildings. So this building behind me is the Memorial Union kind of central hub. All the students come and hang out way, have a bunch of food options in there, like, you know, but play pizza places to eat one first floor is kind of all the meal stuff. We also have a dining hall in there and then the bottom floor is called sparking Den. We have a bunch of on cables, pool tables, places for people to hang out, a little movie gator down there and then the top floor is just offices. Okay? Okay, So this year is one of my favorite present campus. They redid this part last semester ends its brand new this'll side is kind of the old side of hate and library. It's actually four stories underground, which is pretty cool. Then this is I believe it's four stories of love. If you're planning to rent out some books, there's also a little cafe and here's come and eat your homework and it's just overall such a beautiful part again. This is actually the oldest building at S U. This is where they have all the classes and this'd where they live, Not this kind of a spot where they hold events. Funny thing about this fountain here is actually a myth that if you go in it before you graduate, then you won't graduate in four years. When you do graduate, people take their graduation part pictures in the foul in, which is kind of fun. So to find the love your life here is when you want to get married here, you can get married here. Honestly, like so wedding a lot right now, but I hope you guys enjoyed up seeing eligible techies campus. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.