Brooklyn Lopez - SDSU Fowler | Why I transferred to SDSU, and a bit about the Guardian Scholars Program

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S issue as a transfer student after obtaining a few associates degrees from a community college, A little bit of background about myself is I did not have a great childhood. I was always in and out of the foster care system due to abuse and neglect and my father was never in my life, he was never component in my life. I now have two little boys who are my constant motivation and I mentioned in my background story because I would have never even been given this opportunity to speak to you about my experience at SCS you if it weren't for the scholarship organizations that fund my educational journey, especially the Guardian Scholars program at S D. S. U. S. C. S. U. Guardian Scholars is funded by generous donors who truly do care about students educational success, who have been in the foster care system, who currently are in the foster care system, who are wards of court there under guardianship or homeless youth. For me, I do not have family contribution towards my educational goals, nor do I have the foundational support, love and care that most college students have from their own family. So I am incredibly and truly grateful for the entire program in itself and how much people actually do care about me and my education and my success um as a whole. So thank you so much to whoever's watching who donates to going scholars, thank you so much. So through sec guardian scholars, I'm able to be part of the GOP who offers tutoring, mentoring counselling for both academic and personal guardian scholars provides me with scholarships that fund my tuition fees and books. I have priority registration and they even assist me with paying some of my rent. I live um in an apartment off campus and they provide a housing award directly to my landlord to fund some of my rent. For those students who do live on campus, they also provide a housing award. Garden scholarship has tons and tons of resources, and best of all, I have the opportunity to connect with individuals who are in the same way as me, um, who are defeating and breaking the cycle of poor family history to achieve greater success, which, according to statistics, we are not meant to do.