Back to School Series Let’s Meet a Student

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I am in front of Sterling Student Center today at four o'Clock. That's wealthy because we have our first ever Pepe rally of the season. So family have CSU cheerleaders way gotta lot B J. So you have a lot to me. Well, at first I wanted to be a music major, but I need changing out of nowhere to communications. I wanted to be in Texas not too far, but not too close. When I visited me and my mom two three day trip to the city and this is my first tour. I love immediately connected from my everybody dress here. Right? And I just love all the black just black test black with a side of black with a sprinkle of more black. I'm here for Is that working? I'm here for the location. Well, I have my own campus organization that started last semester Formulation. So I really want that to be big movement here, not only on campus, just in like Ariel. So I think that be cool to watch that just for you P s you to be a b E. I feel like I have a good time with so many creative talent. I am Mommy's little L I l militant And I l I t on Twitter. What south do smell like sound? Um, relationship is takes t X s dot relationship on instagram just relationship.