Isabel and Rhys give a tour of the Cox School of Business

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Here is a view of the cocks business school from the first floor. So most of your classes are like where you enter usually is going to be on the second floor, but right now we're going up some stairs that you can you can use to get to the first floor. I've been officially matriculated into business school for over a year. Basically there are three different buildings, and they're all connected. You really only need but how to get to McGuire and crow. Yeah, those were the two main undergrad buildings right here behind us. We can see this is Cro O. There's some. Crowe is named after an influential family of real estate developers. That's what you'LL notice when you're here. What loss of buildings have, like the same names like Deadman, for example, refers to a science building all the way on the north end of campus and the rec center, the gym all around the Southland on campus and communities. That's a real big problem with the two buildings, because freshmen will come on the first day and they'Ll be like, Oh, I have a class and deadman and we'LL go to the wrong one and it's like, Oh, that's a fifteen minute walk to your actual school. Yeah, but they're they're closer there closer because deadman indictment are literally officers. No one says Fondi for hundred sia in those taken by the Reese now because she's going after her dorm. So here you can see Cox Quad. So what I just showed you around Is this building right here? Andi So that is the crow building. So in the middle, right here There's Fincher, Um and that is a lot of administrative offices. Uh, there's a ballroom in there force in different events. Then over here is Maguire and the choir is where I would take the majority of underclassmen, crosses our health. So right here behind this beautiful sign, which a lot of people will take pictures in front of wearing the grad cat grad gowns and caps. Uh, you've been seeing a lot of those recently because it is getting close to graduating. Time has come scary for my friends for graduating, but excited too, you know, ableto move onto new pursuits. A little bit confusing staircases that's going on. Uh, this quad, as I said before, can be a little bit confusing. Uh, but there's just some beautiful greenery and down there at that entrance another way, Teo, get into D I'm science bagel area. Um, but overhearing conceive these this beautiful red brick and marble and columns, you know, kind of matches Thie, Sonu aesthetic. Uh, there's a pretty statue here, a real life student vote, but grad students and undergraduate streams are housed here. We're kind of in the middle of classes. So that's why there are many people milling around. It's actually more of a lunch period right now, So probably a lot of people are in the building, But that just means that we'LL be able to show you around. So here on will be a little bit quieter, just not to serve any classes um, here some different steaming areas. If you are early class in your the previous causes an accident yet. Um, and then here on the left is thie Beba Admission and career Summer. Over here is Bebe, advisor on DH. So you will go to B be advising, um, if you're a business student. Uh, that's where you your adviser, and you get to select where you're, uh, what classes you'LL be taking. Um, so as you can see their classes currently in session right around here, um, but I'll take you through the back of Maguire, and then we can look at the back of the business school. So as you can see where at the back of a business building. Now, um and then over here on our left is the Collins Executive center. There are also some really cool events that are held.