Isabel and Frances show you around a dorm room and bathroom

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Thank you for letting me into your wonderful dorm grounds. So this isthe a darker as you can see, years of bad. It's lofted so you can put some more stuff underneath. Then their desks and chairs that are included come into the dusk has from drawers over there and then a beautiful window, basically the same thing on the other side. There's one for each person and then closet space. I would say, like a lot of them are similar, but like the dimensions of the rooms, even like especially across buildings. In the same building, they could be different, Like the height of the room I know depends on which floor you're on, and then certain ones are different. My first roommate, we both came from the same town and had been childhood friends. So we just room together and picked our stuff together and decide to live in the same place in the same room. This year I had a random roommate where it was through the system. Then they picked someone who would best match me. I know there are quite a few people who lie on their survey to get a optimal roommate. So I've definitely felt storage was like, the main thing because I have plastic tubs hidden beneath where I store winter clothes when it's warm outside or summer clothes during the winter and make moving in and out much easier. Um, I love my mini fridge, and I love my coffee machine. I feel like a smaller rooms is just kind of standard across most of the dorms. Eso Wherever you go, you're going to get a smaller room until you go to like upperclassmen. So different residential commons have different types of bathrooms here in Bo's. We have these community bathrooms we have toe go leave your and then I'm going to restroom. Yes, I'm not on that before to make sure they're two souls. With years fans, put yourself and, you know, personal to six. So that would be three to four people share on bathroom. You kind of just got back from spring break. So nobody's really studying in here right now about what people will. What's the time? Basically, on the actual floors of bows, you could expect the water rooms with these door decorations. Uh, here's on our store, which is usually more decorated. So this is running store, and you are called, if you're not sure, raise its assistant and they basically kind of If you I lived on this home, then if you're ever in trouble or he did somehow or just needed, like, a shoulder to cry on, um and you could go to your aura and they also make sure that nothing funky is going on, But yeah, thanks for joining me on.