Pony up! Isabel takes you to an SMU landmark: the Mustangs statue

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So right now I am more on South Quad. I just wanted to show you the iconic Mustang statue. So if you enter s anew from most directions are probably going to end up finding yourself going towards these three beautiful Mustangs. It's just kind of a nice physical representation of our school spirit. If you haven't heard me talk about it right enough already. The hand sign that we use at games or whatever we just want to say, like I let go az Amu is the pony up. So it's basically you do a peace sign and then just relax your fingers a little bit. So you either like a pony's ears or like a pony's legs rearing out. There's kind of some debate over which one it represents, but this statue is just a really cool way to just have a physical representation of how you know, strong and fierce. Basketball game with basketball season just ended, so I can't take you guys in to show you a game, but definitely come here. I've been a member of the mob for the past two years, and so basically, the mob is our student organization, that a tense basketball games and so all sporting events on campus are free to attend except for men's basketball. So if you become a member of the mob, then you get a bunch of perks to get a really cool, dry fit. Really awesome, but it's just a really cool way. I gets going a lot of amazing games, and their team is so made so great. Yeah, one last thing about these Mustangs up here. I've had a few friends come and climb up on them, and I don't know if you can tell, but they're they're pretty tall and they're pretty. You know, maybe if it's a late enough night, you might find yourself up on these Mustangs that use it behind. There's a long pavilion that leads to the South East area, which is where a lot of the new residential comments are.