Back To School Series Episode Welcome

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Viewers, my name is Navy foam, and I am twenty one years. Oh, I'm originally from Midland, Texas, which is about ten hours away from Houston, Texas, where I stay. Now I go to college here in Texas, Southern University. At this beautiful institutions, I am a soft or this year I'm majoring and radio, television and film. So you can catch me in the communications department doing it all for you. I want to let you know that Coachella had just passed and it was a blast. If it's a form of our freshman week back to school when we get stood in between, I never came to the school before. You want them to feel like this is home when we want them to feel welcome. That's why we had made a nice freshman moving day. We had all organizations come out and support and show their faces. It really showcases our unity, and it brings us all together in one time. All the new faces and experiencing a new change of life, some unto the campus now for sport. Sudden university football team has a nice new fall schedule for playing a lot of PW wise and a whole bunch, eh? Cuz it's going to be in a very exciting season. You get your tickets at the bookstore with your student ID. They're discounted, so you do not want to miss out on any events going on Knopfler off Kansas. I cannot wait to take you to the legendary Tyr Walk Behind Me. You hear Cartel A going on That is a marching band, Ocean of Soul, one of the best fans on the land little song. It says all roads lead to Texas seven, and I believe that is true. So why wouldn't you want to graduate somewhere where you know you can get a job where you know you can get a living. You know, situation that rearrange where you know you can get back to your own community while staying in your community. I feel the Texas State University is in the heart of Houston for a reason. Why do I think people should come because you hear stuff like this on a daily literally Say it for me. If I can make it through Texas Southern University, I can make it through anything in life. Because Texas Southern University doesn't sugarcoat anything. They also give you direction, and I let that about that study university. So you can literally come here and be the person you always wanted to be or come here and find that person. You've always wanted to be on that note to taking care of yourself. Texas Southern University actually offers free counseling for students. So we actually take the initiative of understanding that there are problems in life and we take matters in our own hands, and we've solved them here. I'm excited to take you on this tour fs and stick with me if you want T because, honey, it's.