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So we just got a rental car, and it's a 49 0 well, it's a 50 now. We're driving all the way from basically the air for area. Those of you If you wanted a dorm tour, this is all you've got. Does anyone know one of your camera? Okay, so this'll help group everyone introduce themselves. We're actually supposed to be at, like, conferences. So we are going to the portable on, um I don't know, orientation that day. This is It's been a long day for me, so yeah, I'll show you around when we get there. So we just came back from chapel and we're waiting for some more friends. We draw our freshman year or your first year here as a way to start off for years here. Come back to the same spot, draw another circle for your years after it. You might Honestly, So we've pretty much finished the circle. Now Mira and I are like riding our bikes to get food. Guys, turns out somebody left a note on my desk, and we don't know who it is, because every time we're in here like, it's just us or like by ourselves. T apparently shows up when I do is luck, So I don't know what's going on. So we're at the football game and wear matching once again. Like, burned our high school shirts way Got a new shirt. I have to sit on my So the football game's over. That was the end of a long day of orientation of college. So we just leave it here and I'll see you guys next time.