A Typical Dorm Room in Ackerman Hall

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We're in Ackerman Hall, and I'm gonna show you what a typical double room and Ackerman looks like, so come on. You've got two beds, two dresses to wardrobes, two desks, trash can and recycling bin. Then there's also a micro fridge freezer in my grave. Yeah, there are a lot of personal living Ackerman like the single Stalin's winter mutual restrooms and the hall specific laundry rooms. I also want to tell you a few of my dorm essentials, so those would be a shower caddy and shower shoes. There are some things you're going to want to have when you come to university. I have a job here on campus called Being Ah hall host. Basically what that means is I give tours of the resident tallest to prospective students and their families here on campus. So if you're looking for a leadership position as a first year student, that's something you could look into.