The Towns of Monmouth and Independence, Oregon

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So right now we're in downtown Monmouth. We just went and got some dinner at yeasty yeasty, which we've talked about in some other videos. Used to B C. Man, I'll tell you what. If you want some quality pizza, go tease Beastie, other restaurants we like to eat out there's, like singing fig, Heidi tacos, those gruesome burger ville. Yeah, we've got some other fun places, even parks. There's also like d i y. Which is like a Boba tea place. It's a pretty small town, so there's not a lot to do. Also about ten minutes down the road, there's a town called independence. Like I said, in the last cook, Independence is about ten minutes from Monmouth, so not that far of a drive. It all there is a road that runs right through both towns and you can get to itself find me. Um, in the town where I grew up in my hometown we have a river, So the river is something I really like. Sometimes they just go sit down by the river and play my ukulele or just sit and think. There's some other restaurants like, um, my whole Katie and I we just went in eight at a Mexican restaurant and had some very authentic Mexican takis. There's like a McDonald's in one, there's a dairy queen into subway here. There's a cute little ice cream shop called Independent Ice Cream. Parlour is a bookstore, Um, and there's another park. So independence is a really fun little town that I like to spend time. There's more things to do than there is in Monmouth, and it's not that far away. A couple of other things I wanted to talk about it would be like where you couldn't go to purchase things like Where do I go to shop? So in Monmouth there is a store called by Mart, which, if you're from Oregon, you probably heard of Bi Mart so barbaric they have pretty much everything you need. They have school supplies, they have food, cleaning supplies, most of the stuff you're going to need. There's a grocery store called Roths R O T. H s here in Independence. So about ten minutes away and then in a town called Dallas Oregon, which is about fifteen minutes away, there's a safe way. There's a WalMart, their stores like that if you need like a superstore. Um, if you want to go to like a target, that's about thirty minutes away in Salem. Then my last thing I want to talk about is the weather. So here in the will emit Rally of Oregon, it's pretty cold Most of the year. Um, usually forties fifties sixties That's pretty typical for the winter time it gets. It gets warm in the summer, up into the eighties, in the nineties. During the school year, if you were going to be it woo, it's a pretty cool climate. You get used to the rain pretty quickly and you learn to appreciate it. It gets pretty chilly, but it's a good way to be fashionable with your long sleeves and your genes.